Value: S_SURCH_002 Label: Offshore Cenozoic volcanism related to the opening of the North Atlantic ocean and the Iceland hotspot (North Atlantic Volcanic Province): Seaward Dipping Reflector sequences (SDRs) Description: Symbol:
Value: S_SURCH_003 Label: SDRs related to the opening of the South Atlantic ocean during Early Cretaceous (passive margin volcanism) Description: Symbol:
Description: El Mapa Geologico Mundial elaborado por la COMMISSION FOR THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE WORLD
a escale of 1: 50 000 000 (2009) muestra las capas de informacion Physiography, volcanoes, astroblemes - 1st edition y Geology, structure - 3rd edition en la escale of 1: 25 000 000 (2010)
Geology, structure - 3rd edition
Mediante Memorandum N° 125-2012-INGEMMET/DGR y Memorandum N° 037-2012-INGEMMET/PCD Donde la presidenta del INGEMMET Susana Vilca remite la informacion a la Direccion de Geologia Regional y en enviada a la Oficina de Sistemas para su almacenamiento en la Base de Datos Geografica.
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